
Saturday, July 3, 2010

"Mom, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

We've had a sad start to our kiddling's summer vacation. We laid our beloved Black & Tan Coonhound "Babe" to rest yesterday. You can read about Babe and check out some of her photos on her Dogster page. The kiddos all took turns helping to dig the hole in the backyard then Daddy did the private funeral service. There were many tears shed. Buzzy, our little Shih Tzu is depressed and still wondering where his best friend is. Babe was a special dog, she will be greatly missed by all of us :(

This week over breakfast the kiddlings and I were discussing "What they wanted to be when they grew up."
Nicholas said "I want to be a Pastor so I can go to different countries and preach and pray for them."
Daniel said "I want to be an icecream maker ..... or maybe a worm digger cause I like that best. I can get worms to the people who want it and to the store - but I will need a worm bucket so I can put the worms in it or I will have to carry them in my hands."
Shane said "I am going to be an under cover cop. I don't want people to know I am a cop, I want to surprise them!" {He is sneaky.}
Latoya said " I want to be a Pastor too cause I like to pray for people." The Little Susan added that she wanted to be a "cover cop" just b'cause.
The kids collectively agreed that The Baby should be a doctor so she can help people and make them feel better - and if she doesn't want to be a doctor she can be "ever her want" says Little Susan.
The little ones said The Teenager would grow up to be a Vet. Well, Daniel said a "horse rider" but changed his mind and agreed that a Vet was the best option for her "cause she likes to help me" said Daniel. Little Susan says The Teenager can "help the doggies to feel better." and Latoya said "The Teenager can help the animals if they get broken."
The boys decided they might all want to be "cops, on the side." Only so they can carry Oozies and machine guns. I told them that regular police officers carry "hand guns" not big guns, they would have to join the swat team for that kind of action. Then Nicholas says "Mommy, why do we even need a "squat" team?" I try not to laugh and reply "I don't know, but maybe they're more physically fit than the rest of the officers." Hahahaha.
Shane asks "Mom, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I reply "Hmmm, maybe I'll continue to be a mom. It's my favourite job ya know. Why? Do you think I should do something else?" Nicholas pipes up, "Ya, you could sell AVON!" "I already do that silly" I say.  "You can be an ambulance!" says Daniel. (What he meant was that I could be a paramedic like my sister) "I know," says Nicholas, "You can be a bus driver." They all laugh at that suggestion .... it is a little known fact that I am "challenged" when it comes to parking, according to SOME people's standards. "I don't know, a school bus is kind of long - how would I ever park it?" I reply. The kids nod their heads as if they understand my dilema completely - and they seem to agree. Little Susan offers a solution,  "Mommy you could drive the city bus cause they are short busses." Latoya squeals excitedly, "You can be a short bus driver!" Nicholas agrees, "Ya, then you'll be able to back up and everything." "Beep, beep, beep...." says Little Susan as she walks backwards around the table.
Quo Vadis Pizza, I HATE YOU! Chocolate bunnies, bars, balls, and bites I DETEST YOU! It doesn't matter if I dip fresh fruit into you as you flow ever so gracefully from the fountain - you're still EVIL and you do EVIL things to my body. You're a deceiver! Why won't you leave me alone?!?!?
How will I ever fit into my beautiful Sari when I go to India? Just one bite of the calorie laden yummies and I'm hooked - it's much like an uncontrolable addiction I fear. "Everything in moderarion" they say. Well whoever "they" are have obviously never struggled with such a tormenting temptation. It's not JUST chocolate. It's any delicious treat that makes me giddy and overwhelms my senses so that I feel more than satisfied, energized, excited ... almost euphoric.... such a sense of well being - until I walk past the mirror and have to stop to wipe the dribbled ice cream from my chin and the disappointment sets in again. I am an "all or nothing" kind of girl - this is an incredible gift when it comes to pursuing my passions whole heartedly but it sure can be self destructive when it comes to my waistline. What do I want to be when I grow up??? Hmmmm, I guess I'd have to say .... balanced and self controlled :)
Here are a few funnies from our house to yours:
* While reciting the books of the Bible, Latoya said: "first Corinklians, second Christenings..." Hahaha
* When the kiddlings get up in the morning on the weekend they all congregate in our room. The little girlies love cuddling up, the boys like to wrestle. "Mommy this is a GOOD day!" Latoya enthusiastically stated. "Oh ya, why is that?" I enquired. "Cause we're hayving" ("behaving") 'You're right" I said "But don't get too excited about that, it's only 7:30 am."
* It was Monday morning, the very first day of Summer Vacation for the kiddlings .....  Daniel wakes me up and says "Mommy, can we play school today? You can be the teacher." Hahaha
* We recently took the kiddlings to the "Drive in Peter" (theatre) to see the "Kwatey Kid" (Karate Kid)
During the first fight scene Little Susan shreiks from the back seat "Oh no! Wook it. Theys hittin' him - that's NOT NICE! Theys hurtin' him - STOP IT! STOP IT! The the old man steps in to defend the boy  and fight off the bad guys. "Dat's Better!" Little Susan shouts gleefully.
* We were all at the table having lunch one day and I said something to the Teenager to which she jokingly replied "That's enough of that young lady!" Nicholas sat up tall and announced "she's NOT a young lady!" I stared at him in disbelief with one eyebrow raised waiting for him to correct himself, apologize, or disappear ..... "she's a medium" he confidently stated.
Just a reminder that the next AVON order will be placed on Tuesday July 6th - contact me if there's anything you would like me to get for you!

*India Missions Trip ~ Tupperware Fundraiser*
We are excited to announce our India Missions Trip TUPPERWARE Fundraiser. We're holding this fundraiser throughout July and August. Just browse the flyer and select the items you wish to purchase. 40% of the sale proceeds goes toward our Missions trip to India. Items will be ordered once in July and once in August. Feel free to contact me for more details :) Bless you and thank you for your participation and support.

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Have a blessed week!

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