
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I flipped him over and was surprised to see that HE was also a SHE!

Some days I just crave boredom. Really. With all of my being. Some mornings I lay awake in bed fantasizing about wandering through the house in my pj's with my hair messed up and no make up on, or taking a casual bubble bath in the middle of the afternoon, or settling down next to the fireplace with a hot apple cinnamon tea and a good book to read.... undisturbed for hours.... imagine that! Then that darn alarm clock starts BEEP, BEEP, BEEPING and ruins a good thing. Out of bed I stumble and stub my toe on the dog crate, waking the pups who immediately begin yapping excitedly to be let out for their morning nature call.... and so my day begins. Today was just as hurried and hectic as any other. Once I got my precious kiddlings out the door and onto the school bus I hopped into the van to make an early morning pick up. I"ve decided to breed lop ear bunnies this year instead of the larger Californian rabbits we had last year and I was picking up my new breeding pair this morning. When I got to the woman's work place too pick up my new furry friends, she handed me the box - o - bunnies while she gathered the rest of their supplies from her car. I peeked into the box to see two sets of long ears and puzzled peepers staring back at me. It was so cold out I closed the box immediately and fastened the seat belt around it to keep my cargo safe on the ride home. I thanked the woman for her furry gift and headed home to set up the happy couple's cage in hopes that they might be encouraged to produce a litter of little ones in time for the Easter season. I hummed along with the tune on the radio and silently wondered why they hadn't had any bunnies for their previous owner? The woman said she thought they were still too young, but they looked plenty old enough to me. Oh well, I was sure some fresh straw bedding and a warm heat lamp would help to set the mood for bunny making.  Once we got home I began to prepare their cage in the garage. I scrubbed it clean and made sure everything was ready. I lined the cage with new straw and put the food dishes and water bowls in place. As I was wiring up the heat lamp I heard the telephone ringing in the house. Grandma came to the door with the phone in her hand, extended toward me. "It's the school" she said with a hint of concern in her voice. "Hello?" I queried cautiously. The school secretary on the other end of the line gave me a run down of the morning's event's that finally lead to her calling me at home. "Nicholas, fell down in the wet slush and now his pants are soaked right through. Can you please come to the school and bring him a change of clothes?" she asked. "What?" I said aloud. "It's only 9am. How did he get wet anyway? Wasn't he wearing his snow pants? I CAN'T drive into town right now. Are you sure he fell in the slush and got wet and he didn't have an accident or something - he DID wet himself this morning you know..." I rambled on and on, my mind a whirl of activity trying to fit this "unplanned inconvenience" into my schedule somehow. "Nicholas is right here, would you like to speak to him?" She asked. "Yes, of course." I replied curtly. "Hi Mom." Came a low voice I recognized on the other end of the line. "Hi Nicholas, what happened? How did your pants get soaked?" I cut to the chase and asked. "A kid pushed me down and I got wet. I need to change my clothes." he said sullenly.  "Nicholas," I asked impatiently "Where are your snow pants?" "I forgot them at home." he said quietly. "I see. Even after I warned you three times on the way out the door to grab your snow pants so you would stay dry - you managed to forget them?" I replied rhetorically. "Nicholas, I have a full day of things to get caught up on today and driving back into town to bring you a change of clothes isn't on that list (when you shouldn't have gotten wet in the first place - and wouldn't have if you had listened to me and did what you were told.)" I sighed. "I have to finish up a couple of things and I will be there as soon as I can." I hung up the phone and slammed it down onto the shoe rack. I picked up the broom and grumbled as I attempted to sweep up my mess hurriedly. 'The furry darlings will have to wait a little longer to get the grand tour of their new home' I thought to myself as I raced around tidying up the garage and putting things away. I nearly fell down the basement stairs as I rushed down to get a change of clothes for Nicholas. On the way back up my toe caught the edge of the step and I lost my balance and tumbled toward the door. Good thing there was a box-o-bunnies in my way to soften my fall. Thank God no one was hurt.... just a little panicked and worried. Off I ran with the change of clothes in my hand. The telephone ringing in the distance caused me to turn back to the house in time to see Grandma at the door holding out the phone toward me once again. I reached for the phone and breathlessly answered "Hello?" "Hi Mom, it's me Shane." my eldest son said cheerily. "Hello Shane, what can I do for you?" I asked, wondering if he had somehow fallen into the slush and gotten himself soaked too. "Mom, I am out of my medicine and the secretary said I should call you to tell you to bring some." he informed me. *Sigh* Good thing I hadn't left the house yet - this driving back and forth could have been an all day adventure. "Okay buddy, I'll drop some off at the school for you. Love you, bye..." I hung up and quickly made for the van before the phone could ring again and add more to my already full to-do list.  I backed out of the driveway being careful not to get stuck in the snow that had accumulated at the edge of the road. Suddenly I realized that I didn't have my glasses on! No wonder I can't see anything. Then if that wasn't enough, I noticed that my cell phone was not in the van either.... Gosh, I must have left that behind too.... it's gonna be on of those days I know it! After I made the mad dash back into the house for the forgotten glasses and cell phone I drove straight to the school. I dropped off the dry clothes to Nicholas, and took the medicine for Shane to the office. I left the school and was half way across the parking lot before I realized I was also supposed to speak to the principal about an issue Daniel was having at school. So back to the school I went to do my motherly duty. When I had finally covered all my bases I headed back home to rescue Grandma from the Baby (who was in a mood because she was feeling a little under the weather today). The roads were ice covered and slippery. I slid right past the driveway!
Once I recovered my driving ability and got parked I retrieved the 25kg bag of rabbit food from the trunk that I had forgotten to unload earlier. I hiked the huge bag on top of my shoulder and walked gingerly toward the garage. My right foot slipped out from under me and skated across the ice causing my legs to split apart in a terribly uncomfortable fashion, then down I went onto one knee on the ice. I landed hard enough to know there was blood and bruising involved. I didn't cry..... I didn't even say those bad words that pop into your head and almost out of your mouth before you can hold them back in situations such as this...  I simply froze there in that awkward position, trying to gather enough strength to lift myself and the 25 kg bag of pellets on my shoulder, into an upright position. When I was able to stand again without toppling over or losing my cool, I went right to the garage and unloaded the bag of bunny food onto the table.... praising God that I even had knees to bang up in the first place. I continued to set up the cage for the rabbit couple that would soon occupy it. I adjusted my ear muffs and shivered against the cold blustery breeze early in the day and I thought of my poor husband so far away from home on a missions trip..... on a warm, tropical island surrounded by sand and palm trees and the salty ocean air.... and I thought about how unfair life seems sometimes.....
So I shook it off and repented for thinking all those bad thoughts in that split second of time .... and resumed my task of making everything 'perfect' for the rabbits to encourage them to ... you know..... reproduce! Finally, the moment of truth. I took each bunny out of the box carefully and welcomed them to their new home. Just before I set them in their new cages I needed to check which was the girl and which was the boy so the kids could come up with suitable names for them later. I flipped the soft brown one over and had a look.... just as I thought, a girl. I put the other rabbit, a black and white one into the cage and  took him out again. I better just make sure....... I flipped him over and was surprised to see that HE was also a SHE! Oh no.... no wonder they never had babies before... they couldn't, they were both female and the previous owner didn't even know it! I should not have been so surprised... this was exactly the kind of day I was having.... and it was only eleven o'clock in the morning.

*Here's a few funnies from Our House to Yours *

* Latoya was looking at a library book she brought home from school called "Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life." She ran to me excitedly with her open book in her hands "Look Mama! Poor People!" she exclaimed and she pointed to the picture of cavemen squatting around campfires with no clothing on. Hahahaha.
* "Mom, I have more 'hot ollies'?" asks the Baby. (hot tamales candy)
* Little Susan is in kindergarten. She goes to school on "A" days, not "B" days. One harried and hectic morning I neglected to check the calendar and sent all my kiddlings to the bus stop for school. I received a phonecall a short while later from the school letting me know that I had sent Little Susan to school on the wrong day - it was a "B" day. I raced to the school feeling pretty guilty for making such a stupid mistake. Little Susan was very forgiving about the whole mix up. "Mama, I just thought all my friends took the day off." she said.
* Shane was reading the bag of chicken food as my husband unloaded it from the jeep. "Laying Crumb.....for chickens" he read "Why do they call it 'laying crumb?' Cause they lay in it?" he queried.
* Nicholas and Daniel were playing around in their room and messed up their older brother's bed. I asked the boys to straighten the bed then thought that the sheets needed to be changed anyway.... "Just take the sheets off all three of your beds and put them in the laundry then put these clean sheets on the beds okay boys?" I directed. "Sure Mom," they agreed less than enthusiastically. The next night as I was folding laundry I came across one of the sheets and was puzzled that I hadn't yet found the other two. The following morning I conducted a thorough search of their bedroom thinking the sheets may have gotten shoved under a bed or down beside the mattress. I couldn't find either of the missing sheets... nothing in the closet, nothing under the beds.... I double checked the laundry room and no sign of either of them. This was a mystery. The next morning I caught up with all three of my boys in their bedroom and asked Nicholas and Daniel where the two missing sheets were? They both looked at me with a blank expression on their faces. I rephrased the question. "Boys, when you took the sheets off the beds where did you put the dirty sheets?" Nicholas looked at Daniel and Daniel looked at me in confusion. I tried again. "Listen, I asked you to take the sheets off the beds and put them in the laundry and then gave you three sheets to put on the beds, WHERE are the dirty sheets?" Then before either of them could say a word the answer hit me. I walked across the room to the corner of Shane's bed and pulled back the corner of the sheet - only to reveal another sheet underneath, I pulled back this sheet and revealed the third sheet under that one! Of course.  Everything made perfect sense in my mind. The boys had taken Shane's sheet off the bed and put all three clean sheets on his bed. You might wonder why they would do this but they really believed that this was my instructions to them. This was "Central Auditory Processing Disorder" at it's finest. Did I mention that nothing my children do ever really surprises me anymore? LOL.

Subscriber's Stories
Introducing another area of the tank.... Subscribers Stories! Do you have a funny or cute story to share? Want to have it included in the "Subscribers Stories" section of The Fish Bowl? Just email me your story and I'll include it in a future edition of the Fish Bowl. Please include your name and email address with all submissions.

* My son wanted to make me breakfast in bed this morning for valentines day so he made me a bagel with a bite out of it and it was only dropped on the floor once. LMAO! Sound familiar Mom?
Submitted by Mike R

* Gabby was witnessing to all the children in the hospital waiting room and telling them not to be afraid because God is on their side.
Submitted by Veronica A. of Windsor

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